![]() God is faithful to you and I. Over and over we are told that throughout scripture. Over and over we hear that from people. However, if we are honest, sometimes it just doesn't feel that way. There is no other time during the year that this feeling is in such stark contrast as the holidays that we can see coming just around the corner. You might know someone who personally struggles during the celebration season for one reason or another. I have two bits of advice in this regard. 1) Be compassionate- whatever that might look like for the person in question. I use the word compassionate in particular, because not only are we directed by Scripture to exude this characteristic, but also because I feel that our culture hasn't overused the term just yet. There is still a sense of meaning and purpose when we say that we should be compassionate- love, grace, and mercy motivated to action. 2) In your compassion, be sure to remind them of the faithfulness of the Lord. It's easy to forget in times of pain. It's also something that we question when we are hurting and the walls feel like they are closing in. Remind them of the truth, about all the ways that the Lord blesses them in ways that you can see. Remind them of His faithfulness in the beauty of His creation. Remind them that He loves them too, and that sometimes our feelings aren't exactly accurate- like when you are not hungry, but find yourself staring into a stocked refrigerator mumbling that there is nothing to eat. If you happen to be someone who has trouble during the holidays, allow me to offer a suggestion in two words... Serve Others. Make it a point this year to actively engage with helping others who have no capacity to pay you back. Serving others during our time of emotional struggle is one of the Biblical ways we can get our minds off of ourselves and spend all that mental and emotional energy on bringing Christ's love and compassion to others. That might be reaching out to a local food shelter or senior citizen home or even some ministry at your church that you might be able to be a part of. The Lord has faithfully given you gifts and it is my sincere hope and desire that you can see your way through to using them this holiday season. I would also encourage you to read Psalm 119:65-114 at some point during your day today. Psalm 119:88 In your unfailing love preserve my life, that I may obey the statutes of your mouth. 91 Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. Questions for you 1) How will you reach out compassionately to someone today? 2) Is there some opportunity you (and your family) can be a blessing to this holiday season? Make plans today and be a part of bringing God's faithfulness to others in your neighborhood.
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