When we look through binoculars, our vision is only as clear as our equipment and how well we are able to focus. And if we need glasses to see, well that just adds another whole level of complexity to the situation. As I have gotten older bifocals have become a necessity for me and as an archer, this took some getting used to. Long gone are the days when I could simply look downrange at my target and see things clearly. With out my glasses, targets are all just a blurry mess (and frankly even with my glasses, things can get squirrelly trying to look through sites and pins to the target 40 or 50 yards off). In archery, sometimes we use binoculars to sight in our targets, see where arrows hit, and make adjustments accordingly. I have to admit, my own binoculars aren't very good quality, barely getting the job done under the best conditions. But sometimes, when the lighting is just right and the focus is correct, the image reveals to me things that either bring a large smile to my face, or it reveals that I have some changes that I need to make. Time in the Word is no different. We need to come to it with a willingness to accept the truth it will reveal. In it are the wonders of wisdom, grace, mercy, and righteousness. And as we make time for the Word, equally important is our focus. To see things clearly for what they are, we need to set aside all else and let the Word speak directly to our hearts and minds, unimpeded by distraction and worry. One of those ways is to set your mind and heart ahead of time to the decision to act on whatever it is that you are about read about. Admittedly, this can be difficult, but not insurmountable. Let me encourage you to dig in to your time with God. Fully commit and be prepared to act. Be found faithful and fruitful! Psalm 119:18, 30-32 Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law... I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me. I cling to Your testimonies; O Lord, do not put me to shame! I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will enlarge my heart. Questions for you 1) What tends to distract you from ever starting time in the Word each day? Are there patterns that need to be changed so you can be more consistent with your time? 2) What tends to distract you while you are reading the Word? In life, distractions are going to happen. How might you take steps to lessen their impact? 3) What can you do in your heart and mind to follow through with the intention of "running the way of Your commandments?"
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